
This module provides functions to easily access ragged array datasets. If the datasets are not accessed via cloud storage platforms or are not found on the local filesystem, they will be downloaded from their upstream repositories and stored for later access (~/.clouddrift for UNIX-based systems).



Returns the ANDRO as a ragged array Xarray dataset.


Returns the latest version of the NOAA Global Drifter Program (GDP) hourly dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.


Returns the NOAA Global Drifter Program (GDP) 6-hourly dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.


Returns the Grand LAgrangian Deployment (GLAD) dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

hurdat2([basin, decode_times])

Returns the revised hurricane database (HURDAT2) as a ragged array xarray dataset.


Returns the MOSAiC sea-ice drift dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.


Returns the Sofar Ocean Spotter drifters ragged array dataset as an Xarray dataset.


Returns the subsurface floats dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.


Returns the YoMaHa dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

clouddrift.datasets.andro(decode_times: bool = True) Dataset[source]#

Returns the ANDRO as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

The function will first look for the ragged-array dataset on the local filesystem. If it is not found, the dataset will be downloaded using the corresponding adapter function and stored for later access. The upstream data is available at


decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



ANDRO dataset as a ragged array


>>> from clouddrift.datasets import andro
>>> ds = andro()
>>> ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 110MB
Dimensions:     (obs: 510630, traj: 3344)
    time_d      (obs) datetime64[ns] 4MB ...
    time_s      (obs) datetime64[ns] 4MB ...
    time_lp     (obs) datetime64[ns] 4MB ...
    time_lc     (obs) datetime64[ns] 4MB ...
    id          (traj) float32 13kB ...
Dimensions without coordinates: obs, traj
Data variables: (12/33)
    lon_d       (obs) float64 4MB ...
    lat_d       (obs) float64 4MB ...
    pres_d      (obs) float32 2MB ...
    temp_d      (obs) float32 2MB ...
    sal_d       (obs) float32 2MB ...
    ve_d        (obs) float32 2MB ...
    ...          ...
    lon_lc      (obs) float64 4MB ...
    lat_lc      (obs) float64 4MB ...
    surf_fix    (obs) float32 2MB ...
    cycle       (obs) float32 2MB ...
    profile_id  (obs) float32 2MB ...
    rowsize     (traj) int64 27kB ...
    title:           ANDRO: An Argo-based deep displacement dataset (Quality ...
    history:         Dataset updated on 2024-03-25
    date_created:    2024-07-02T12:11:50.643492
    publisher_name:  SEANOE (SEA scieNtific Open data Edition)
    license:         Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (...


Ollitrault Michel, Rannou Philippe, Brion Emilie, Cabanes Cecile, Piron Anne, Reverdin Gilles, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas (2022). ANDRO: An Argo-based deep displacement dataset. SEANOE.

clouddrift.datasets.gdp1h(decode_times: bool = True) Dataset[source]#

Returns the latest version of the NOAA Global Drifter Program (GDP) hourly dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

The data is accessed from zarr archive hosted on a public AWS S3 bucket accessible at Original data source from NOAA NCEI is


decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



Hourly GDP dataset as a ragged array


>>> from clouddrift.datasets import gdp1h
>>> ds = gdp1h()
>>> ds
Dimensions:                (traj: 19396, obs: 197214787)
    id                     (traj) int64 ...
    time                   (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
Dimensions without coordinates: traj, obs
Data variables: (12/60)
    BuoyTypeManufacturer   (traj) |S20 ...
    BuoyTypeSensorArray    (traj) |S20 ...
    CurrentProgram         (traj) float32 ...
    DeployingCountry       (traj) |S20 ...
    DeployingShip          (traj) |S20 ...
    DeploymentComments     (traj) |S20 ...
    ...                     ...
    start_lat              (traj) float32 ...
    start_lon              (traj) float32 ...
    typebuoy               (traj) |S10 ...
    typedeath              (traj) int8 ...
    ve                     (obs) float32 ...
    vn                     (obs) float32 ...
Attributes: (12/16)
    Conventions:       CF-1.6
    acknowledgement:   Elipot, Shane; Sykulski, Adam; Lumpkin, Rick; Centurio...
    contributor_name:  NOAA Global Drifter Program
    contributor_role:  Data Acquisition Center
    date_created:      2023-09-08T17:05:12.130123
    doi:               10.25921/x46c-3620
    ...                ...
    processing_level:  Level 2 QC by GDP drifter DAC
    publisher_name:    GDP Drifter DAC
    summary:           Global Drifter Program hourly data
    title:             Global Drifter Program hourly drifting buoy collection

See Also#


clouddrift.datasets.gdp6h(decode_times: bool = True) Dataset[source]#

Returns the NOAA Global Drifter Program (GDP) 6-hourly dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

The data is accessed from zarr archive hosted on a public AWS S3 bucket accessible at s3://noaa-oar-hourly-gdp-pds/experimental/. Original data source from NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) accessible at


decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



6-hourly GDP dataset as a ragged array


>>> from clouddrift.datasets import gdp6h
>>> ds = gdp6h()
>>> ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 2GB
Dimensions:                (traj: 27647, obs: 46535470)
id                     (traj) int64 221kB ...
time                   (obs) datetime64[ns] 372MB ...
Dimensions without coordinates: traj, obs
Data variables: (12/49)
BuoyTypeManufacturer   (traj) |S20 553kB ...
BuoyTypeSensorArray    (traj) |S20 553kB ...
CurrentProgram         (traj) float64 221kB ...
DeployingCountry       (traj) |S20 553kB ...
DeployingShip          (traj) |S20 553kB ...
DeploymentComments     (traj) |S20 553kB ...
...                     ...
start_lon              (traj) float32 111kB ...
temp                   (obs) float32 186MB ...
typebuoy               (traj) |S10 276kB ...
typedeath              (traj) int8 28kB ...
ve                     (obs) float32 186MB ...
vn                     (obs) float32 186MB ...
Attributes: (12/18)
Conventions:          CF-1.6
acknowledgement:      Lumpkin, Rick; Centurioni, Luca (2019). NOAA Global...
contributor_name:     NOAA Global Drifter Program
contributor_role:     Data Acquisition Center
date_created:         2024-04-04T13:44:01.176967
doi:                  10.25921/7ntx-z961
...                   ...
publisher_name:       GDP Drifter DAC
summary:              Global Drifter Program six-hourly data
time_coverage_end:    2023-10-18:18:00:00Z
time_coverage_start:  1979-02-15:00:00:00Z
title:                Global Drifter Program drifting buoy collection

See Also#


clouddrift.datasets.glad(decode_times: bool = True) Dataset[source]#

Returns the Grand LAgrangian Deployment (GLAD) dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

The function will first look for the ragged-array dataset on the local filesystem. If it is not found, the dataset will be downloaded using the corresponding adapter function and stored for later access.

The upstream data is available at


decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



GLAD dataset as a ragged array


>>> from clouddrift.datasets import glad
>>> ds = glad()
>>> ds
Dimensions:         (obs: 1602883, traj: 297)
  time            (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
  id              (traj) object ...
Data variables:
  latitude        (obs) float32 ...
  longitude       (obs) float32 ...
  position_error  (obs) float32 ...
  u               (obs) float32 ...
  v               (obs) float32 ...
  velocity_error  (obs) float32 ...
  rowsize         (traj) int64 ...
  title:        GLAD experiment CODE-style drifter trajectories (low-pass f...
  institution:  Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbo...
  source:       CODE-style drifters
  history:      Downloaded from
  references:   Özgökmen, Tamay. 2013. GLAD experiment CODE-style drifter t...


Özgökmen, Tamay. 2013. GLAD experiment CODE-style drifter trajectories (low-pass filtered, 15 minute interval records), northern Gulf of Mexico near DeSoto Canyon, July-October 2012. Distributed by: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC), Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7VD6WC8

clouddrift.datasets.hurdat2(basin: Literal['atlantic', 'pacific', 'both'] = 'both', decode_times: bool = True) DataArray[source]#

Returns the revised hurricane database (HURDAT2) as a ragged array xarray dataset.

The function will first look for the ragged array dataset on the local filesystem. If it is not found, the dataset will be downloaded using the corresponding adapter function and stored for later access.

The upstream data is available at


basin“atlantic”, “pacific”, “both” (default)

Specify which ocean basin to download storm data for. Current available options are the Atlantic Ocean “atlantic”, Pacific Ocean “pacific” and, both “both” to download storm data for both oceans.

decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



HURDAT2 dataset as a ragged array.

Standard usage of the dataset.

>>> from clouddrift.datasets import hurdat2
>>> ds = hurdat2()
>>> ds
Dimensions:                          (traj: ..., obs: ...)
    atcf_identifier                  (traj) <U8 ...
    time                             (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
Dimensions without coordinates: traj, obs
Data variables: (12/23)
    basin                            (traj) <U2 ...
    year                             (traj) int64 ...
    rowsize                          (traj) int64 ...
    record_identifier                (obs) <U1 ...
    system_status                    (obs) <U2 ...
    ...                               ...
    max_med_wind_radius_nw           (obs) float64 ...
    max_high_wind_radius_ne          (obs) float64 ...
    max_high_wind_radius_se          (obs) float64 ...
    max_high_wind_radius_sw          (obs) float64 ...
    max_high_wind_radius_nw          (obs) float64 ...
    max_sustained_wind_speed_radius  (obs) float64 ...
    title:            HURricane DATa 2nd generation (HURDAT2)
    date_created:     ...
    publisher_name:   NOAA AOML Hurricane Research Division
    institution:      NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
    summary:          The National Hurricane Center (NHC) conducts a post-sto...

To only retrieve records for the Atlantic Ocean basin.

>>> from clouddrift.datasets import hurdat2
>>> ds = hurdat2(basin="atlantic")
>>> ds


clouddrift.datasets.mosaic(decode_times: bool = True) Dataset[source]#

Returns the MOSAiC sea-ice drift dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

The function will first look for the ragged-array dataset on the local filesystem. If it is not found, the dataset will be downloaded using the corresponding adapter function and stored for later access.

The upstream data is available at


Angela Bliss, Jennifer Hutchings, Philip Anderson, Philipp Anhaus, Hans Jakob Belter, Jørgen Berge, Vladimir Bessonov, Bin Cheng, Sylvia Cole, Dave Costa, Finlo Cottier, Christopher J Cox, Pedro R De La Torre, Dmitry V Divine, Gilbert Emzivat, Ying-Chih Fang, Steven Fons, Michael Gallagher, Maxime Geoffrey, Mats A Granskog, … Guangyu Zuo. (2022). Sea ice drift tracks from the Distributed Network of autonomous buoys deployed during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition 2019 - 2021. Arctic Data Center. doi:10.18739/A2KP7TS83.


decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



MOSAiC sea-ice drift dataset as a ragged array


>>> from clouddrift.datasets import mosaic
>>> ds = mosaic()
>>> ds
Dimensions:                     (obs: 1926226, traj: 216)
    time                        (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
    id                          (traj) object ...
Dimensions without coordinates: obs, traj
Data variables: (12/19)
    latitude                    (obs) float64 ...
    longitude                   (obs) float64 ...
    Deployment Leg              (traj) int64 ...
    DN Station ID               (traj) object ...
    IMEI                        (traj) object ...
    Deployment Date             (traj) datetime64[ns] ...
    ...                          ...
    Buoy Type                   (traj) object ...
    Manufacturer                (traj) object ...
    Model                       (traj) object ...
    PI                          (traj) object ...
    Data Authors                (traj) object ...
    rowsize                     (traj) int64 ...
clouddrift.datasets.spotters(decode_times: bool = True) Dataset[source]#

Returns the Sofar Ocean Spotter drifters ragged array dataset as an Xarray dataset.

The data is accessed from a zarr archive hosted on a public AWS S3 bucket accessible at


decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



Sofar ocean floats dataset as a ragged array


>>> from clouddrift.datasets import spotters
>>> ds = spotters()
>>> ds
Dimensions:                (index: 6390651, trajectory: 871)
    time                   (index) datetime64[ns] ...
  * trajectory             (trajectory) object 'SPOT-010001' ... 'SPOT-1975'
Dimensions without coordinates: index
Data variables:
    latitude               (index) float64 ...
    longitude              (index) float64 ...
    meanDirection          (index) float64 ...
    meanDirectionalSpread  (index) float64 ...
    meanPeriod             (index) float64 ...
    peakDirection          (index) float64 ...
    peakDirectionalSpread  (index) float64 ...
    peakPeriod             (index) float64 ...
    rowsize                (trajectory) int64 ...
    significantWaveHeight  (index) float64 ...
    author:         Isabel A. Houghton
    creation_date:  2023-10-18 00:43:55.333537
    institution:    Sofar Ocean
    source:         Spotter wave buoy
    title:          Sofar Spotter Data Archive - Bulk Wave Parameters
clouddrift.datasets.subsurface_floats(decode_times: bool = True) Dataset[source]#

Returns the subsurface floats dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

The data is accessed from a public HTTPS server at NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) accessible at

The upstream data is available at

This dataset of subsurface float observations was compiled by the WOCE Subsurface Float Data Assembly Center (WFDAC) in Woods Hole maintained by Andree Ramsey and Heather Furey and copied to NOAA/AOML in October 2014 (version 1) and in December 2017 (version 2). Subsequent updates will be included as additional appropriate float data, quality controlled by the appropriate principal investigators, is submitted for inclusion.

Note that these observations are collected by ALACE/RAFOS/Eurofloat-style acoustically-tracked, neutrally-buoyant subsurface floats which collect data while drifting beneath the ocean surface. These data are the result of the effort and resources of many individuals and institutions. You are encouraged to acknowledge the work of the data originators and Data Centers in publications arising from use of these data.

The float data were originally divided by project at the WFDAC. Here they have been compiled in a single Matlab data set. See here for more information on the variables contained in these files.


decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



Subsurface floats dataset as a ragged array


>>> from clouddrift.datasets import subsurface_floats
>>> ds = subsurface_floats()
>>> ds
Dimensions:   (traj: 2193, obs: 1402840)
    id        (traj) uint16 ...
    time      (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
Dimensions without coordinates: traj, obs
Data variables: (12/13)
    expList   (traj) object ...
    expName   (traj) object ...
    expOrg    (traj) object ...
    expPI     (traj) object ...
    indexExp  (traj) uint8 ...
    fltType   (traj) object ...
    ...        ...
    lon       (obs) float64 ...
    lat       (obs) float64 ...
    pres      (obs) float64 ...
    temp      (obs) float64 ...
    ve        (obs) float64 ...
    vn        (obs) float64 ...
    title:            Subsurface float trajectories dataset
    history:          December 2017 (version 2)
    date_created:     2023-11-14T22:30:38.831656
    publisher_name:   WOCE Subsurface Float Data Assembly Center and NOAA AOML
    license:          freely available
    acknowledgement:  Maintained by Andree Ramsey and Heather Furey from the ...


WOCE Subsurface Float Data Assembly Center (WFDAC)

clouddrift.datasets.yomaha(decode_times: bool = True) Dataset[source]#

Returns the YoMaHa dataset as a ragged array Xarray dataset.

The function will first look for the ragged-array dataset on the local filesystem. If it is not found, the dataset will be downloaded using the corresponding adapter function and stored for later access. The upstream data is available at


decode_timesbool, optional

If True, decode the time coordinate into a datetime object. If False, the time coordinate will be an int64 or float64 array of increments since the origin time indicated in the units attribute. Default is True.



YoMaHa’07 dataset as a ragged array


>>> from clouddrift.datasets import yomaha
>>> ds = yomaha()
>>> ds
Dimensions:     (obs: 1926743, traj: 12196)
    time_d      (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
    time_s      (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
    time_lp     (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
    time_lc     (obs) datetime64[ns] ...
    id          (traj) int64 ...
Dimensions without coordinates: obs, traj
Data variables: (12/27)
    lon_d       (obs) float64 ...
    lat_d       (obs) float64 ...
    pres_d      (obs) float32 ...
    ve_d        (obs) float32 ...
    vn_d        (obs) float32 ...
    err_ve_d    (obs) float32 ...
    ...          ...
    cycle       (obs) int64 ...
    time_inv    (obs) int64 ...
    rowsize     (traj) int64 ...
    wmo_id      (traj) int64 ...
    dac_id      (traj) int64 ...
    float_type  (traj) int64 ...
    title:           YoMaHa'07: Velocity data assessed from trajectories of A...
    history:         Dataset updated on Tue Jun 28 03:14:34 HST 2022
    date_created:    2023-12-08T00:52:08.478075
    publisher_name:  Asia-Pacific Data Research Center
    license:         Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License..


Lebedev, K. V., Yoshinari, H., Maximenko, N. A., & Hacker, P. W. (2007). Velocity data assessed from trajectories of Argo floats at parking level and at the sea surface. IPRC Technical Note, 4(2), 1-16.