

CloudDrift provides convenience functions to access real-world ragged-array datasets. Currently available datasets are:

The GDP and the Spotters datasets are accessed lazily, so the data is only downloaded when specific array values are referenced. The ANDRO, GLAD, MOSAiC, Subsurface Floats, and YoMaHa’07 datasets are downloaded in their entirety when the function is called for the first time and stored locally for later use.

>>> from clouddrift.datasets import gdp1h
>>> ds = gdp1h()
>>> ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 16GB
Dimensions:                (traj: 19396, obs: 197214787)
    id                     (traj) int64 155kB ...
    time                   (obs) datetime64[ns] 2GB ...
Dimensions without coordinates: traj, obs
Data variables: (12/59)
    BuoyTypeManufacturer   (traj) |S20 388kB ...
    BuoyTypeSensorArray    (traj) |S20 388kB ...
    CurrentProgram         (traj) float32 78kB ...
    DeployingCountry       (traj) |S20 388kB ...
    DeployingShip          (traj) |S20 388kB ...
    DeploymentComments     (traj) |S20 388kB ...
    ...                     ...
    start_lat              (traj) float32 78kB ...
    start_lon              (traj) float32 78kB ...
    typebuoy               (traj) |S10 194kB ...
    typedeath              (traj) int8 19kB ...
    ve                     (obs) float32 789MB ...
    vn                     (obs) float32 789MB ...
Attributes: (12/16)
    Conventions:       CF-1.6
    acknowledgement:   Elipot, Shane; Sykulski, Adam; Lumpkin, Rick; Centurio...
    contributor_name:  NOAA Global Drifter Program
    contributor_role:  Data Acquisition Center
    date_created:      2023-09-08T17:05:12.130123
    doi:               10.25921/x46c-3620
    ...                ...
    processing_level:  Level 2 QC by GDP drifter DAC
    publisher_name:    GDP Drifter DAC
    summary:           Global Drifter Program hourly data
    title:             Global Drifter Program hourly drifting buoy collection