
Required dependencies#

CloudDrift requires the following dependencies:

if you install CloudDrift using pip or Conda, these dependencies will be installed automatically.

Optional dependencies#

For plotting#

For development and testing#

For building the documentation#

Note: If you are using pip to install xarray, optional dependencies can be installed by specifying extras, such as:

pip install clouddrift[plotting] clouddrift[dev] clouddrift[docs]

There is also clouddrift[all] to install automatically all optional dependencies.

Installation instructions#

You can install the latest release of CloudDrift using pip or Conda. You can also install the latest development (unreleased) version from GitHub.


In your virtual environment, type:

pip install clouddrift

To install optional dependencies needed by the clouddrift.plotting module, type:

pip install clouddrift[plotting]


First add conda-forge to your channels in your Conda environment:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

then install CloudDrift:

conda install clouddrift

To install optional dependencies needed by the clouddrift.plotting module, type:

conda install matplotlib cartopy


If you need the latest development version, get it from GitHub using pip:

pip install git+

Running tests#

To run the tests, you need to first download the CloudDrift source code from GitHub and install it in your virtual environment:

git clone
cd clouddrift
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .

Then, run the tests like this:

python -m unittest tests/*.py

A quick how-to guide is provided on the Usage page.