This module provides functions and metadata to convert the Global Drifter
Program (GDP) data to a clouddrift.RaggedArray
instance. The functions
defined in this module are common to both hourly (clouddrift.adapters.gdp1h
and six-hourly (clouddrift.adapters.gdp6h
) GDP modules.
Cast all float64 variables except |
Cut a string to a specific length and return it as a NumPy array with fixed-length strings. |
The date format is specified as 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00' but the missing values are stored as -1e+34 which is not supported by the default parsing mechanism in xarray. |
Create drogue status from the drogue lost time and the trajectory time. |
Download and save the file from the given url, if not already downloaded. |
Change fill values (-1e+34, inf, -inf) in var array to the value specified by default. |
Download and parse GDP metadata and return it as a Pandas DataFrame. |
From the previously sorted DataFrame of directory files, return the unique set of drifter IDs sorted by their start date (the date of the first quality-controlled data point). |
Read a GDP directory file that contains metadata of drifter releases. |
Convert a string to float, while returning the value of default if the string is not convertible to a float, or if it's a NaN. |
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.cast_float64_variables_to_float32(ds: Dataset, variables_to_skip: list[str] = ['time', 'lat', 'lon']) Dataset [source]#
Cast all float64 variables except
to float32. Extra precision from float64 is not needed and takes up memory and disk space.Parameters#
- dsxr.Dataset
Dataset to modify
- variables_to_skiplist[str]
List of variables to skip; default is [“time”, “lat”, “lon”].
- dsxr.Dataset
Modified dataset
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.cut_str(value: str, max_length: int) ndarray [source]#
Cut a string to a specific length and return it as a NumPy array with fixed-length strings.
- valuestr
String to cut.
- max_lengthint
Maximum length of the output string.
- outnp.ndarray
NumPy array containing the truncated string with fixed-length dtype.
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.decode_date(t)[source]#
The date format is specified as ‘seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00’ but the missing values are stored as -1e+34 which is not supported by the default parsing mechanism in xarray.
This function returns replaced the missing value by NaN and returns a datetime instance.
- tarray
Array of time values
- outdatetime
Datetime instance with the missing value replaced by NaN
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.drogue_presence(lost_time, time) ndarray [source]#
Create drogue status from the drogue lost time and the trajectory time.
- lost_time
Timestamp of the drogue loss (or NaT)
- time
Observation time
- outbool
True if drogues and False otherwise
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.fetch_netcdf(url: str, file: str)[source]#
Download and save the file from the given url, if not already downloaded.
- urlstr
URL from which to download the file.
- filestr
Name of the file to save.
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.fill_values(var, default=nan)[source]#
Change fill values (-1e+34, inf, -inf) in var array to the value specified by default.
- vararray
Array to fill
- defaultfloat
Default value to use for fill values
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.get_gdp_metadata(tmp_path: str = '/tmp/clouddrift/gdp') DataFrame [source]#
Download and parse GDP metadata and return it as a Pandas DataFrame.
- dfpd.DataFrame
Sorted list of drifters as a pandas DataFrame.
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.order_by_date(df: DataFrame, idx: list[int]) list[int] [source]#
From the previously sorted DataFrame of directory files, return the unique set of drifter IDs sorted by their start date (the date of the first quality-controlled data point).
- idxlist
List of drifters to include in the ragged array
- idxlist
Unique set of drifter IDs sorted by their start date.
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.parse_directory_file(filename: str, tmp_path: str) DataFrame [source]#
Read a GDP directory file that contains metadata of drifter releases.
- filenamestr
Name of the directory file to parse.
- dfpd.DataFrame
List of drifters from a single directory file as a pandas DataFrame.
- clouddrift.adapters.gdp.str_to_float(value: str, default: float = nan) float [source]#
Convert a string to float, while returning the value of default if the string is not convertible to a float, or if it’s a NaN.
- valuestr
String to convert to float
- defaultfloat
Default value to return if the string is not convertible to float
- outfloat
Float value of the string, or default if the string is not convertible to float.
This module provides functions and metadata that can be used to convert the hourly Global Drifter Program (GDP) data to a |
This module provides functions and metadata that can be used to convert the 6-hourly Global Drifter Program (GDP) data to a |