Source code for clouddrift.adapters.gdp

This module provides functions and metadata to convert the Global Drifter
Program (GDP) data to a ``clouddrift.RaggedArray`` instance. The functions
defined in this module are common to both hourly (``clouddrift.adapters.gdp1h``)
and six-hourly (``clouddrift.adapters.gdp6h``) GDP modules.

import os
import tempfile

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from clouddrift.adapters.utils import download_with_progress
from clouddrift.raggedarray import DimNames

GDP_DIMS: dict[str, DimNames] = {"traj": "rows", "obs": "obs"}
GDP_TMP_PATH = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "clouddrift", "gdp")
    GDP_TMP_PATH, exist_ok=True
)  # generate temp directory for hurdat related intermerdiary data



[docs] def cast_float64_variables_to_float32( ds: xr.Dataset, variables_to_skip: list[str] = ["time", "lat", "lon"] ) -> xr.Dataset: """Cast all float64 variables except ``variables_to_skip`` to float32. Extra precision from float64 is not needed and takes up memory and disk space. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset to modify variables_to_skip : list[str] List of variables to skip; default is ["time", "lat", "lon"]. Returns ------- ds : xr.Dataset Modified dataset """ for var in ds.variables: if var in variables_to_skip: continue if ds[var].dtype == "float64": ds[var] = ds[var].astype("float32") return ds
[docs] def parse_directory_file(filename: str, tmp_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read a GDP directory file that contains metadata of drifter releases. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the directory file to parse. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame List of drifters from a single directory file as a pandas DataFrame. """ gdp_dir_url = "" url = f"{gdp_dir_url}/{filename}" path = os.path.join(tmp_path, filename) download_with_progress([(url, path)]) df = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter=r"\s+", header=None) # Combine the date and time columns to easily parse dates below. df[4] += " " + df[5] df[8] += " " + df[9] df[12] += " " + df[13] df = df.drop(columns=[5, 9, 13]) df.columns = pd.Index( [ "ID", "WMO_number", "program_number", "buoys_type", "Start_date", "Start_lat", "Start_lon", "End_date", "End_lat", "End_lon", "Drogue_off_date", "death_code", ], dtype="str", ) for t in ["Start_date", "End_date", "Drogue_off_date"]: df[t] = pd.to_datetime(df[t], format="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M", errors="coerce") return df
[docs] def get_gdp_metadata(tmp_path: str = GDP_TMP_PATH) -> pd.DataFrame: """Download and parse GDP metadata and return it as a Pandas DataFrame. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Sorted list of drifters as a pandas DataFrame. """ directory_file_pattern = "dirfl_{low}_{high}.dat" dfs = [] start = 1 while True: name = directory_file_pattern.format(low=start, high=start + 4999) try: dfs.append(parse_directory_file(name, tmp_path)) start += 5000 except Exception: break name = directory_file_pattern.format(low=start, high="current") dfs.append(parse_directory_file(name, tmp_path)) df = pd.concat(dfs) df.sort_values(["Start_date"], inplace=True, ignore_index=True) return df
[docs] def order_by_date(df: pd.DataFrame, idx: list[int]) -> list[int]: # noqa: F821 """From the previously sorted DataFrame of directory files, return the unique set of drifter IDs sorted by their start date (the date of the first quality-controlled data point). Parameters ---------- idx : list List of drifters to include in the ragged array Returns ------- idx : list Unique set of drifter IDs sorted by their start date. """ return df.ID[np.where(np.in1d(df.ID, idx))[0]].values # type: ignore
[docs] def fetch_netcdf(url: str, file: str): """Download and save the file from the given url, if not already downloaded. Parameters ---------- url : str URL from which to download the file. file : str Name of the file to save. """ download_with_progress([(url, file)])
[docs] def decode_date(t): """The date format is specified as 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00' but the missing values are stored as -1e+34 which is not supported by the default parsing mechanism in xarray. This function returns replaced the missing value by NaN and returns a datetime instance. Parameters ---------- t : array Array of time values Returns ------- out : datetime Datetime instance with the missing value replaced by NaN """ nat_index = np.logical_or(np.isclose(t, -1e34), np.isnan(t)) t[nat_index] = np.nan return t
[docs] def fill_values(var, default=np.nan): """Change fill values (-1e+34, inf, -inf) in var array to the value specified by default. Parameters ---------- var : array Array to fill default : float Default value to use for fill values """ missing_value = np.logical_or(np.isclose(var, -1e34), ~np.isfinite(var)) if np.any(missing_value): var[missing_value] = default return var
[docs] def str_to_float(value: str, default: float = np.nan) -> float: """Convert a string to float, while returning the value of default if the string is not convertible to a float, or if it's a NaN. Parameters ---------- value : str String to convert to float default : float Default value to return if the string is not convertible to float Returns ------- out : float Float value of the string, or default if the string is not convertible to float. """ try: fvalue = float(value) if np.isnan(fvalue): return default else: return fvalue except ValueError: return default
[docs] def cut_str(value: str, max_length: int) -> np.chararray: """Cut a string to a specific length and return it as a numpy chararray. Parameters ---------- value : str String to cut max_length : int Length of the output Returns ------- out : np.chararray String with max_length characters """ charar = np.chararray(1, max_length) charar[:max_length] = value return charar
[docs] def drogue_presence(lost_time, time) -> np.ndarray: """Create drogue status from the drogue lost time and the trajectory time. Parameters ---------- lost_time Timestamp of the drogue loss (or NaT) time Observation time Returns ------- out : bool True if drogues and False otherwise """ if pd.isnull(lost_time) or lost_time >= time[-1]: return np.ones_like(time, dtype="bool") else: return time < lost_time
[docs] def rowsize(index: int, **kwargs) -> int: try: return xr.open_dataset( os.path.join( kwargs["tmp_path"], kwargs["filename_pattern"].format(id=index) ), decode_cf=False, decode_times=False, concat_characters=False, decode_coords=False, ).sizes["obs"] except Exception as e: print( f"Error processing {os.path.join(kwargs['tmp_path'], kwargs['filename_pattern'].format(id=index))}" ) print(str(e)) return 0